
I've been wanting to write a blog about this the second my eyes metamorphozied into pools of adoration, but it was 5 AM. The movie review was due at 4 PM, and studying for the final needed to consume the precious minutes before classtime. [My priorities thanks to procrastination] I truly believe this was a fantastic movie. However, I am not a movie snob, and I admit to being partial to movies that really grab my emotions and shake 'em around in the liquidy slosh they reside.

Bobby was star-heavy with A-list actors: Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Laurence Fishburne, Anthony Hopkins etc. The theme was life in the 60s and what Bobby Kennedy meant to this life. There were almost 11 stories going on in the movie. The only story I was confused by was the relationship between Anthony Hopkins and Harry Belafonte. Not really sure what Estevez was trying to comment on. Old age in the 60s? Not sure.

The acid-trip scene was hilarious. I have a new love for Shia LaBeouf and his big puppy eyes. You definitely develop a relationship with the characters. That ball in your throat that forms when they're sad; that's love.

There was no actor that played Kennedy (and I appreciated that), but intermittent clips of the real Bobby Kennedy were placed in between scenes, him giving speeches and such.

Simply Beautiful. You must see it. You will cry.

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