My hair was straight this morning

I am the most awkward person I know, physically that is. I try to balance when I walk and understand the movement of my body, but once other elements are added to the equation: coffee, weather, a one-shoulder bag, getting into a bus or low-cut shirts, suddenly my body parts disconnect. There's a lag in my transmission of brain signals.

I woke up at 6:52 AM and after much mental deliberation I decided that I'd get ready and go to class. I made this decision with the thought in mind that I might have to fight fellow bus-riders. I usually leave by 7AM in order to avoid the race for the bus door where it's tooth and nail for dibs on seats. Well, I slipped on my tall boots, denim skirt and grabbed my gigantic tote bag filled with academic goodies and headed out. Surprisingly, the bus was not packed with banana-breath students, and I chose a seat. I superficially read my textbook while a guy behind me talked rather loudly about fairies and Shakespeare.

The bus birthed us 15 minutes away from my destination, so I took the opportunity to appreciate the air and walk to class. Immediately, the morning air Medusa-frizzed my hair, twisting and turning my locks like I didn't straighten it for 20 minutes the night before.

My professor was moody and yelled at everybody to stop chatting. We discussed libel and before I completed my ebay transactions, the class was over. The coffee from those sorority girls' thermoses smelled so good, so I made my way to the Einstein's Bagel place. Art class at 930 was cancelled, so I had time to dawdle. I bought a coffee and blackberry-lemonade. Stupid lemonade. It tastes like syrup.

Now back to my duel with coordination. My coffee was in one hand while the other shoulder balanced my gigantic tote-bag filled with heavy academic goodies and whose attached hand held the blackberry-lemonade syrup. While I attempt to harmonize my liquids, my skirt is rotating and the butt pockets are becoming front pockets. I'm holding the coffee an arm's length in front of me because with every bouncy step the brown goodness jumps from the cup. Now, I have to cross the street and dodge cars who hate pedestrians, and the ends of my hair are jutting into my eyes. Brown splashes have visited my white top and my self-esteem is now temporarily damaged. My mornings are quite the experience.

1 comment:

CarolinaDivina said...

thanks for the rebirth - where'd you find your twin - write more