Today was another day tutoring the little high school brats. The class I helped today was more focused than the one I usually tutor in, the English class that is. The kids I helped continually asked me if I was going to come back, if I am permanent. It broke my heart every time I had to tell them I was just there because the schedule was different that day. The potential just radiates in some of them; they catch on quickly and they're dissatisfied with their environment. Others are too preoccupied trying to attract attention from their classmates and some are mentally recuperating from their home life. They wrote a story today about an event they had experienced, using imagery and detail. One guy wrote about how he got hit by a car, another wrote about when he almost got shot at and probably half the class wrote about their first fight. This is a ninth grade English class and one girl wrote about meeting her BabyDaddy for the first time. Crazy high school I tutor at with many interesting stories to tell.
1 comment:
wow bba - what memorable experiences - so glad your keeping them intact by documenting them
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