There's this girl that sits next to me in my editing class, and I fantasize about doing violent things to her property. When we have to pass papers around the table, she slaps them down in front of me instead of placing them in my open hand. She has to seriously lack self-awareness or she just doesn't give a shit about other people. Friday, as she struggled to twist the foil wrapper off of her chocolate chunk bar, the crackling distracted me so much that my eye twitched as I turned in her direction attempting to send fumes of hate her way. It wasn't just a couple crunches here and there, she would finish the piece in her mouth and return to her noisy snack paper. The crunching and rustling continued for a grueling 7 minutes until she had consumed her mass of nuts and cocoa. Turns out I have two classes with her. She opened the newspaper in my mass media class and shuffled the paper back and forth as the 77-year old professor attempted to teach us American history.
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