
I've discovered I'm a bit of a Romanticist, (which makes sense because I'm keen on hallucinogenic substances. jk) I love the outside in all conditions. I can't even pick a favorite season, I love them all. No matter how much sting the frost that gnaws on my cuticles while I wait for the bus hurts or how much embarrassment is caused by wind that reveals purposely concealed body parts, I can appreciate the moment. It's like I can actually feel myself within the world. I finally grasp the big picture when some facet of natural life makes itself known. I realize where and what I am. It's like momental reverie, a concrete awareness of self that's ferociously sought after. During these times I have the urge to write. I reviewed my blog and noticed I describe weather often. I want to preserve the ephemeral piece of self-awareness I experience. I get so excited; I can create explosions on a page with everyday life being my inspiration. It's beautiful.

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